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【中国文化 影响世界】走进国际书画名家郭金栋
时间:2019-9-3 15:14:17 点击次数:9729

       铁骨丹心赋华彩 笔墨挥洒书天工
      书画,视觉审美之艺术,中国传统文化之精粹。凡聪明之士,才学之人,无不徜徉其间,摘其英华,佩其香萝。故其书画之妙,深不可测;能人辈出,指不胜屈;流派纷呈,美不胜收。一笔一纸一镜头,可演乾坤之大,可绎人心之微,包罗万象,博大精深,一个时代有一个时代的文艺,一个时代有一个时代的精神。推动文艺创新发展,最根本的是要创作出无愧我们这个伟大民族 、伟大时代的优秀作品 。真正的书画家既是优秀文化的继承者,又是发扬者、开拓者!今天我们以油画之美,展现我国著名国礼特供艺术家郭金栋老师的创新作品!
       Tiegu Danxin Fuhua Painted Pen and Ink Writing Skills
       Calligraphy and painting, the art of visual aesthetics, the essence of Chinese traditional culture. Every wise man and scholar wanders in the meantime, picking up his brilliance and wearing his perfume. Therefore, its painting and calligraphy are wonderful and unpredictable; there are many talented people who can not be surrendered; there are many schools and beautiful. One stroke, one paper and one lens can represent the magnitude of the universe, the subtlety of the human heart, all-embracing, broad and profound, an era has an era of literature and art, an era has an era of spirit. To promote the innovation and development of literature and art, the most fundamental thing is to create excellent works worthy of our great nation and era. Real painters and calligraphers are not only inheritors of excellent culture, but also carriers and pioneers! Today, with the beauty of oil painting, we present the innovative works of Guo Jindong, a famous national ritual artist in China.

       郭金栋,斋号啸风堂主人、当代超写实艺术领军人物。1968年出生于山东临清(季羡林的故乡)1988年进修于中央工艺美术学院(现清华美院),1991年就读于北京建设大学(艺术设计系)。主攻工笔画和超写实油画。代表作:“东方醒狮”、“虎啸山林”、“金豹追踪”、“东方女神”、“佛像”系列及重大历史故事人物题材等。现为中国国画院副院长、中国美术家学会会员、北京大学客座教授、文化部国家一级美术师、中国国礼书画艺术评审委员会委员、中华人民共和国国宾礼特供艺术家、中国国画艺术创作研究院创作室主任、英国牛津大学艺术学院博士生导师、世界超写实绘画艺术联盟副主席、公益中国书画院院长、中国文物家鉴定协会委员、中国行为法学会廉政书画院高级研究员、中国美术家联谊会会员、安徽省美术家协会会员、山东聊城市美术家协会会员、山东聊城市书法家协会会员、山东省海外发展促进会聊城分会特约高级顾问、中央电视台公益中国书画院副院长,公益中国爱心艺术家,中美、中帕、中泰、中法、中希 、中匈 、中韩、中俄、中非、中澳文化艺术形象大使,并随历届党和国家领导人应约出访60多个国家进行文化艺术交流活动,同时作品作为国家外交部门指定的国礼赠品赠送给各国政党领袖及各国总统首脑,为传播中国优秀传统文化并策划和主办方率团出访世界各国包括联合国总部主持召开的活动上百场,为中国文化艺术走出国门在国际上赢得了众多话语权,并且得到了众多国家对中国文化艺术的认识和肯定,也得到了党和国家领导人的首肯、接见和题词。郭金栋先生还兼任美国国际文化艺术品产权交易所签约艺术家,泰国民间佛教协会(特供佛像)签约艺术家,世界名人书画研究院理事,鄂尔多斯国际商会书画院副院长、当代最具学术价值与市场潜力的书画艺术家之一。
       Guo Jindong is the master of Zhai Xiaofeng Hall and the leader of contemporary super realistic art. Born in 1968 in Linqing, Shandong Province (Ji Xianlin's hometown), he studied at the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts (now Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts) in 1988 and Beijing Construction University (Department of Art and Design) in 1991. Major in fine brushwork and super realistic oil painting. His masterpieces include "Oriental Lion awakening", "Tiger Xiaoshan Forest", "Golden Leopard Tracking", "Oriental Goddess", "Buddha Statue" series and the themes of important historical stories. He is now Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Painting, Member of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, Visiting Professor of Peking University, National First-Class Artist of the Ministry of Culture, Member of the Committee for the Evaluation of Chinese Rites, Calligraphy and Painting, State Guest of the People's Republic of China for Artists, Director of the Creation Room of the Academy of Chinese Painting Art Creation, Oxford University of England Doctoral supervisor, Vice-Chairman of the World Super Realistic Painting Art Union, President of the Public Welfare Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Member of the Chinese Artists Appraisal Association, Senior Fellow of the Anti-corruption Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of the Chinese Behavior Law Society, Member of the Chinese Artists Association, Member of the Anhui Artists Association, Member of the Liaocheng Artists Association of Shandong Province, and Shandong Province Member of Liaocheng Calligrapher Association, Special Senior Adviser of Liaocheng Branch of Shandong Overseas Development Promotion Association, Vice President of CCTV Public Welfare Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Public Welfare Chinese Loving Artists, Ambassadors of Culture and Art of China, America, China, Pakistan, China, Thailand, China, France, China, Greece, China, Hungary, China, Korea, China, Russia, Central Africa, China and Australia, along with the calendar The leaders of the Party and the state should visit more than 60 countries for cultural and artistic exchanges. At the same time, the works are presented to the leaders of political parties and presidents of various countries as a national gift designated by the Foreign Ministry of the country. They plan and sponsor a delegation to visit countries all over the world, including the United Nations Headquarters, to disseminate China's excellent traditional culture. Hundreds of activities have won a lot of voice for Chinese culture and art to go abroad. They have been recognized and affirmed by many countries. They have also received the approval, reception and inscription of the leaders of the Party and the state. Mr. Guo Jindong is also a contracted artist of the American International Cultural and Art Property Exchange, a contracted artist of the Thai Folk Buddhist Association (especially for Buddhist statues), a director of the World Celebrity Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, a vice president of the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of the International Chamber of Commerce in Ordos, and one of the most academic and market potential contemporary artists.

       In October 2013, he participated in the thirteenth National Lushan Cup, Painting and Calligraphy Grand Prix and won a special gold medal. In April 2014, he was selected as a national model figure in the industry by the state. In the Great Hall of the People, he was cordially received by the relevant leaders of the state. He also awarded a medal of honor and certificate of a model person serving the people. In May 2014, he was awarded to Thailand. Official invitation to attend the special visiting delegation of model figures of the proud Republic of the motherland to Thailand for cultural and artistic exchanges with the leaders of the country, and to receive a memorial medal and a certificate of honour from the Thai Prime Minister personally for the artist Guo Guo of Chinese rites, calligraphy and paintings issued by the Prince of Thailand in his signature as Ambassador of Sino-Thai Friendship and Lifelong Image Kim Dong awarded the Thai Art Contribution Award Honorary Certificate and the Outstanding Contribution Award of Human Culture. In June 2014, in response to President Ifi of the Republic of Palau. Ruimu's appointment invites you to attend the first Sino-US International Cultural and Art Exchange Exhibition in July 2014, which was awarded by the President of the Republic of Palau (Sino-Pakistani Friendship Award). At the invitation of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange and the American International Cultural Property Exchange, Ms. Meng Zhaowen, a member of the United States Congress, is invited to attend. Award for outstanding contribution to Sino-US cultural exchanges, American Charity Education Contribution Award, and Ambassador Award for Sino-US Cultural and Art Exchange Image. In August 2014, at the invitation of the Macao Cultural Department (the 2nd Macao International Collections Exposition), he was awarded the Sino-Australian Art Exchange Ambassador. In October 2014, he was invited to attend Guo's Academy of Arts on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the afternoon of January 2014 Zong Kin's Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition was awarded the Golden Images Award. In November 2014, his works (Oriental Lion) were selected as the third Summit of China's High-end Art Development in Beijing Great Hall of the People and awarded the Ambassador of China's Public Welfare Image by the state leaders. In December 2014, at the invitation of the Macao Cultural Development Association, the Bay Area Cultural and Art Festival, which celebrates the fifteenth anniversary of Macao's return, was awarded the Gold Prize, the most valuable artist in contemporary China, and the world famous artist in calligraphy and painting in 2014.

        2015年7月应约参加美国巴拿马万国博览会百年庆典暨国际博览会展荣获金奖;2015年荣获中央电视台春节联欢晚会(2015公益春晚,美丽中国梦)画家郭金栋作品(老子出关图),(福王)工笔画荣获双项金奖,福王老虎斗方现场拍卖30万元无偿捐助公益事业。2015年8月应澳门特区政府邀请参加第四届澳门国际艺术品博览会荣获金奖,2015年10月应希腊政府 约请参加国际文化艺术交流活动荣获金奖;同年10月应匈牙利艺术联盟邀请参加中匈文化艺术交流活动荣获艺术交流使者;2015年中旬应法国政府邀请参加(东西方对话两位艺术大师卢浮宫中法国际艺术名家书画作品展荣获金奖)。2015年11月参加泰中友好(一带一路艺术家文化交流活动)荣获金奖;2015年12月参加中韩国际文化艺术交流峰会在济州岛举行并荣获金奖。2016年参加中外新闻社(时代新闻人物颁奖盛典)。2016年参加中国国家美术家协会在杭州举办的艺术大家书画展获得金奖;2017年1月入编国家邮政总局以邮票发行限量板(一带一路中国梦)中国当代实力派书画名家郭金栋作品精选全国发行;2017年6月参加在国家会议中心举行“一带一路书画名家作品展”荣获金奖;2017年8月参加第四届“美德山东”山东省网络书画展荣获金奖;2017年10月参加“金马鞍杯”中国首届少数民族电影节荣获“书画艺术贡献奖”;2017年12月参加在联合国总部举办的“中国艺术联合国.璀璨之约”活动中有;张铁林、郭金栋、邓亚萍、李玉刚四位分别获得奖项、画家郭金栋荣获联合国艺术终身成就奖!2018年2月郭金栋入编由中国文联出版社面向全国公开发行的一部展现中国百年美术发展的大型文献图书“中国美术选集;
       In July 2015, he was invited to attend the centennial celebration of Panama World Expo and the International Exposition and won the Gold Prize; in 2015, he was awarded the CCTV Spring Festival Gala (2015 Public Welfare Spring Festival Gala, Beautiful Chinese Dream) painter Guo Jindong's works (Lao Tzu's Exit Painting), (Fuwang) Meticulous Brushwork won two gold prizes, and Fuwang Tiger Fighting Square scene. Auctioning 300,000 yuan for free donation to public welfare undertakings. In August 2015, at the invitation of the Macao SAR Government, he won the Gold Prize at the Fourth Macao International Art Exposition, and in October 2015, at the invitation of the Greek Government, he won the Gold Prize at the International Cultural and Art Exchange Activities; in October of the same year, he was invited by the Hungarian Art Union to participate in the Sino-Hungarian Cultural and Art Exchange Activities and won the Gold Messenger of Art Exc At the invitation of the French government, Xun participated in the exhibition of works of calligraphy and painting by two great artists of the East-West Dialogue in the Louvre, which won the Golden Prize. In November 2015, he took part in the Thai China Friendship (the cultural exchange activities of all sides) and won the gold medal. In December 2015, he participated in the Sino Korea international cultural and art exchange summit and won the gold medal in Jeju Island. In 2016, he participated in the Chinese and foreign news agencies (the award ceremony of the times news figures). In 2016, he was awarded the gold medal of the art calligraphy and painting exhibition held in Hangzhou by the Chinese National Artists Association in 2016. In January 2017, the State General Postal Administration was selected to publish the limited edition plate (along the way China dream). The contemporary Chinese strength painting and calligraphy artist Guo Jin Dong's works were selected nationwide; in June 2017, she participated in the National Convention Center. The exhibition of works of famous calligraphers and painters along the way won the gold medal; in August 2017, it won the gold medal in the 4th "Virtue Shandong" Shandong Online Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition; in October 2017, it won the "Contribution Award of Calligraphy and Painting Art" in the "Golden Saddle Cup" China First Minority Film Festival; and in December 2017, it took part in the "Chinese Art Federation" held at the United Nations Headquarters The United Nations. Brilliant Covenant activities include: Zhang Tielin, Guo Jindong, Deng Yaping, Li Yugang won awards respectively, painter Guo Jindong won the United Nations Art Lifelong Achievement Award! In February 2018, Guo Jindong compiled a large-scale literature book "Selected Chinese Fine Arts" published by the Chinese Federation Press for the whole country, which shows the development of Chinese Fine Arts in the past 100 years.

       In March 2018, he was recommended as the honorary title of "Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up--the Outstanding Artist of Contemporary China" by the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts and Culture and the State Authoritative Media. In May 2018, he was awarded "Excellent Painter of Love" by the Organizing Committee of the Care for the Next Generation of Campus Health Action in China. Mr. Jin Dong's outstanding performance in the field of culture and art has been examined by the expert evaluation group of the Chinese Cultural and Art Talents Management Center, and entered into the Chinese Cultural and Art Talents Bank. In June 2018, his works were collected from Chinese art collections, and in June 2018, he visited the Republic of Guinea in Africa with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In July 2018, his works were collected into the dictionary of the World Celebrity Congress, and on July 23, 2018, he attended the BRICS Conference of the Five World Countries held in Johannesburg, South Africa. In November 2018, he commemorated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Shen Peng, Fan Zeng, He Jiaying, Guo Jindong and Quan Xijun are among the five masters of contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy. In 2019, he won the Artist Contribution Award at CCTV-7 (Public Welfare China). In March 2019, at the invitation of His Excellency Prince Wangchai of the Thai Royal Family, he went to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, to attend the high-end forum of international cultural exchanges and business negotiations between China and Thailand in 2019. He was honored as the lifelong image envoy of China and Thailand, and joined the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers and Paintings in May 2019. He also attended the cultural and artistic exchange meeting on the 45th annive In July 2019, he was awarded the first prize at the World Tour of Traditional Art and the Grand Award of Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Human Culture in 2019. In August 2019, his works were collected from the collection of works of famous contemporary Chinese artists (special issues), and in August 2019, his works were collected from the collection of 100 books in China. Painter - Guo Jindong Special Issue.
       At the same time, he also received special reports from the Wall Street Journal, East American World Daily, Overseas Chinese Daily, Mingbao, China News Network, Central National Organs Art Daily and CCTV's Art Road. Many of his works were successively reported by Hong Kong Century Chao Magazine, American Embassy in China, Canadian Foreign Ministry and Mexican General in China. Consulate, Consulate of Kazakhstan in China, National Autonomous University of Mexico, South African Agricultural and Commercial Group Corporation, Russian Embassy in China, Mingsili Asian Educational Institution of Sweden, Famous Ancient Bed Museum of China, Jiazi Museum, Fuwang Museum, Jingxian Museum, Guoguo Museum, Diaoyutai State Guest House, China Xuan Paper Museum, Painting and Calligraphy Collector, Poly Auction Company, etc. According to the evaluation criteria of the state authoritative institutions: Guo Jindong Runge: 460,000 yuan for super realistic oil painting and fine brushwork; 230,000 yuan for freehand brushwork and calligraphy; 200,000 yuan for calligraphy.
The following are Mr. Guo's works. Please appreciate them.



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